i18n Translations

i18n Translations

Available since v. 1.45.*

I18n Translations enables you to search for all translations in all languages installed on your Jira instance.

Why is this necessary?

In many Jira locations, such as Workflow Properties - Transition Titles and Buttons (jira.i18n.submit or jira.i18n.title), and in add-ons, you can utilize i18n to attempt adding your own translations if the vendor did not anticipate them.

This functionality:

  • enables the search for all translations, including those that are not currently visible (e.g., translations in emails, etc.) and cannot be searched using InProduct translation for Jira

  • does not allow the addition of new translations


If you want to read more about i18n go here https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/internationalising-your-plugin/