Extender for Jira

Comprehensive, powerful, easy-to-use and effective set of tools for administrators which help to improve everyday work


Build a Workflow quickly and efficiently - use new functionalities such as Function Templates or Copy&Paste, Search&Filter, Favorite, Drag&Drop, Clone, Disable/Enable, Remove all functions. You can also add them to your Library, save to file and share.

We have also made huge improvements so that you can add functions to your workflow faster and more efficiently like Transition details, Refreshed view of transitions, Quick Transition/Status preview, Copy&Paste Workflow Transitions and more.

Find where functions from installed plugins are used in any Jira Workflow using Apps Usage in Workflows

Build a Dashboard quickly and efficiently - use new features like Copy & Paste and Cloning to build your Dashboard faster.

Additionally, you can also export the full Dashboard configuration to a file so that you can later import it an entirely new Dashboard or transfer it to another application (e.g., from testing to production)

Workflow documentation - Workflow documentation allows you to generate complete workflow documentation including all information such as diagram, statuses, transitions, all functions (Conditions, Validators, Post Functions), screens, properties (for statuses and transitions), etc.

Global search through all system administration - "pp" - shortcut that allows you to search all administrative configurations by ID, Name or Description (including translations) and go directly to them. Additionally, you can also quickly manage users and groups anywhere in the application.

Project documentation - Project Documentation allows you to generate comprehensive project documentation containing all information such as schema configuration, components, versions, and custom fields, but also everything related to Jira Service Management such as queues, request types, SLAs, etc. … and you can do it with just one click in Jira

Manage your applications automatically using a powerful REST API Tokens and several new Extender REST API




Plugin Extensions






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If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please feel free to contact us by email support@itlab.net.pl or Jira Service Desk if you require any further information.


About plugin

This app includes the following libraries:

  • mXparser - Commercial License - Copyright 2010 - 2022 Mariusz Gromada

  • html2canvas - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2021 Niklas von Hertzen

  • html2canvas-pro - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2024 yorickshan

  • Highlight.js - BSD 3-Clause License - Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev.

  • FileSaver - MIT License - Copyright © 2016 Eli Grey

  • jsPDF - Copyright (c) 2010-2020 James Hall, (c) 2015-2020 yWorks GmbH

  • Color picker - Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses - Stefan Petre