Workflow Post Functions

Workflow Post Functions

Update Custom Fields

Update Custom Fields allows you to update custom fields values.

You can:

  • change the fields value to a new value

  • add new values to existing values (multi-select fields)

  • remove values from existing values (multi-select fields)

Custom field type

Expected values and format when setting the field


Custom field type

Expected values and format when setting the field


Text Field (single line)
Text Field (multi line)
Text Field (read only)

Text value (any other type will be cast to the text)

This is an example text with a line brake
New line is here

Number Field



Date Picker

Date format:


Date Time Picker

Date with time format:
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss

2000-01-01 01:01:01
2010/01/01 23:05:12


Admits + and - prefixes to add and remove single items.
All items must be in a new line.
Items without + and - replace actual values.

+ roadmap
- question


Name of the choice to be selected.
Admits + and - prefixes to add and remove single items.
All items must be in a new line.
Items without + and - replace actual values.

New option
+ Yes, i do
- No

URL Field

WWW url with protocol


Select list (single choice)

Name of the choice to be selected.

Another option

Select list (multiple choice)

Name of the choice to be selected.
Admits + and - prefixes to add and remove single items.
All items must be in a new line.
Items without + and - replace actual values.

New option
+ Yes, I do
- No

Select list (cascading)

Name of the choice to be selected.
Values separated sign "::". Value without the sign "::" defines only the first level.

Only the first level set
First level set :: Second level set

Group Picker (single group)

Name of a group.


Group Picker (multiple groups)

Name of a group.
Admits + and - prefixes to add and remove single items.
All items must be in a new line.
Items without + and - replace actual values.

+ jira-users
- jira-product-owners

User Picker (single user)

Name of a username (not full name).


User Picker (multiple users)

Name of a username (not full name).
All items must be in a new line.
Admits + and - prefixes to add and remove single items.
Items without + and - replace actual values.

+ arnold
- stefan

Project Picker (single project)

Project key or project id.



Clear the Fields Value

Clear the Fields Value allows you to clear multiple fields at once


Set the Issue Security Level

Set the Issue Security Level allows you to change the Security Level. You can set the default level for the project Security Scheme, or set the specific Security Level, or you can clear the actual chosen Security Level


Reindex the Issue

Reindex the Issue allows you to re-index the issue to keep indexes in sync with the database. This operation is always run by JIRA at the end of every transition, but thanks to this post-function, you can also perform a reindex earlier if you need to (reindex called by JIRA will still be executed)


Reset the Fields Value

Reset the Fields Value allows you to reset fields value to value before the current transition. If you need to modify fields values ​​in post-function, now you can restore them to values before the transition.



Save the math expression into the selected field (post function checks math syntax)


Add Notes

How many times do you create the post function, and, after some time, you do not remember why you configured it that way?

From now on, you can add notes to the conditions in which you can write an additional comment for yourself or for your team explaining the configuration.

Notes in the post functions don't change the issue


Get the User Property

Copies the value of a user property to a field


Set/Update the User Property

Set or update the value of a user property as a string


Run the Post Function Template

Run and reuse predefined templates with one or more functions


Manage User Groups In Custom Fields

You can manage user groups in custom fields. The perfect solution for the acceptance process.

  • Copy all Current User groups from the 'Source field' to the 'Destination field'

  • Add all Current User groups to the 'Source field'

  • Remove all Current User groups from the 'Source field'


Display the Message to the User

Since v. 2.11.*

  • Added ability to change the flag width

  • Added the Wiki Markups support

Display a message as a "flag" to the current user after the transition in the top right corner of the page.

Example message body
<b>Hello</b> This is example color <font color=red>red</font> <ul> <li>Option 1</li> <li>Option 2</li> </ul>


Add/Remove Users To/From Groups

Add/remove users from custom fields to/from selected groups or groups in custom fields.

It is perfect for delegating group management to Jira users.



Available since v. 1.24.*

  • Update Custom Fields (supports changing, adding or removing values)

  • Clear the Fields Value

  • Reset the Fields Value

  • Set the Issue Security Level

  • Reindex the Issue

  • Add Notes

Available since v. 1.26.*

  • Mathematical

Available since v. 1.37.*

  • Get the User Property

  • Set/Update User Property

Available since v. 1.41.*

  • Run the Post Function Template

Available since v. 1.46.*

  • Manage User Groups In Custom Fields

Available since v. 1.50.*

  • Display the Message to User

Available since v. 2.1.0

  • Add/Remove Users To/From Groups

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