Change Dashboards, JQL Filters, ‘Assets' Filters and Boards Ownership

Available since 1.46.*

Since 1.66.* - added Boards (only for Jira Software)

Since 5.18.* - added 'Assets' Filters

Use the Ownership Management to change the owner for one or more dashboards, filters, 'Assets' filters or boards (only for Jira Software) from one user to another … for example, if employee has left your company, an administrator could use this functionality to transfer all dashboards, filters, 'Assets' filters and boards ownership at once. This can be done for active users as well as for already inactive users


Go to Administration -> Manage apps and select Ownership Management

Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing Ownership Management

Section From user

In User type select Active for active users or Inactive if the user is inactive.

Below select or insert the original owner of the dashboard or filter.

Section To user

Select the username of the new owner of the dashboard or filter.

Section Dashboards, Filters, 'Assets' Filters and Boards

To select multiple dashboards, filters, 'Assets' filters and boards hold Ctrl (Command on macOS).


In the Dashboards field, all dashboards owned by the user specified in From User.

Select the name of the dashboards for which ownership will change to the user specified in To User field.

The Filters field contains a list of all filters owned by the user specified in From User.

Select the name of the filters for which ownership will change to the user defined in To User field.

The Boards field contains a list of all boards where user specified in From User is an administrator

Select the name of the boards for which you want to change the administrative privileges for this specific user to the user defined in To User field.

The ‘Assets' Filters field contains a list of all 'Assets’ filters owned by the user specified in From User.

Select the name of the 'Assets' filters for which ownership will change to the user defined in To User field.

Click Change ownership button to change ownership.
