- 1 Get all dashboards
- 1.1 Parameters
- 2 Get all dashboards for inactive users
- 2.1 Parameters
- 3 Get dashboard
- 3.1 Parameters
- 4 Get all dashboards for specific owner
- 4.1 Parameters
- 5 Get dashboard permissions
- 6 Get dashboard layout
- 7 Get dashboard gadgets
- 8 Create dashboard
- 9 Add gadget
- 10 Edit gadget
- 11 Changing the owner of dashboards
- 12 Clear dashboard permissions
- 13 Pagination
Available since v. 1.18.0
parameter favourite in "Create dashboard"
Available since v. 2.14.0
added new api “Get dashboard”
“Add gadget” - added ability to create a gadget with the
some fields in the JSON request / response have been changed
(JSON object)hasViewRights
Available since v. 3.6.0
added new api “Get all dashboards for inactive users”
Available since v. 3.20.*
Added new api Changing the owner of filters
Available since v. 5.12.*
Added new api Clear dashboard permissions
Related articles
Get all dashboards
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/all
Response format - JSON
Example response:
"total": 2,
"maxResults": 1000,
"dashboards": [
"owner": null,
"name": "System Dashboard",
"description": null,
"isSystemDefaultPortalPage": true,
"id": 10000,
"favourite": false,
"version": 0
"owner": "admin",
"name": "Example Dashboard",
"description": "Example Description",
"isSystemDefaultPortalPage": false,
"id": 10100,
"favourite": 1,
"version": 7
"startAt": 0
permissions - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard permission
layout - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show dashboard layout configuration
gadgets - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard gadgets configuration
Get all dashboards for inactive users
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/inactiveUsers
Response format - JSON
Example response:
"total": 2,
"maxResults": 1000,
"dashboards": [
"owner": null,
"name": "System Dashboard",
"description": null,
"isSystemDefaultPortalPage": true,
"id": 10000,
"favourite": false,
"version": 0
"owner": "admin",
"name": "Example Dashboard",
"description": "Example Description",
"isSystemDefaultPortalPage": false,
"favourite": 1,
"version": 7
"startAt": 0
permissions - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard permission
layout - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show dashboard layout configuration
gadgets - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard gadgets configuration
Get dashboard
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Response format - JSON
Example response:
"name":"Test dashoard",
"description":"asdasdasd asd as",
"completeModuleKey": {
"completeKey": "com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:introduction-dashboard-item",
"pluginKey": "com.atlassian.jira.gadgets",
"moduleKey": "introduction-dashboard-item"
"color": "color1",
"userPreferences": {},
"column": 0,
"id": 10000,
"row": 0
permissions - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard permission
layout - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show dashboard layout configuration
gadgets - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard gadgets configuration
Get all dashboards for specific owner
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/user/{JIRA_USER}
where {JIRA_USER} is JIRA user name, like admin
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/user/admin
Response format - JSON
Example response:
"description":"asdasdasd asd as",
permissions - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show dashboard permissions
layout - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show dashboard layout configuration
gadgets - optional - (true or empty) - response JSON show all dashboard gadgets configuration
startAt and maxResults - optional - please see Pagination section bottom of this page
Get dashboard permissions
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}/permissions
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/10100/permissions
Response format - JSON
Example response:
Get dashboard layout
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}/layout
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/10100/layout
Response format - JSON
Example response:
"numberOfColumns": 2,
"layoutOption": "BA"
Get dashboard gadgets
Method type - GET
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}/gadgets
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/10100/gadgets
Response format - JSON
Example response:
Create dashboard
Method type - POST
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/create
Request format - JSON
Response format - JSON
Example request:
"name": "Dashboard name",
"owner": "user_name"
"name": "Dashboard name",
"owner": "user_name",
"description": "Dashboard description",
"layout": "AB",
"type": "group",
"param1": "jira-administrators",
"param2": null,
"rights": "view"
"type": "project",
"param1": "10000",
"param2": "10002",
"rights": "edit"
name - required - dashboard name
owner - required - owner name, like admin
description - optional - dashboard description
favourite - optional - true/false
layout - optional - dashboard layout (A, AA, AB, BA, AAA or ABA)
permissions - optional - permission set for dashboard
Add gadget
Method type - POST
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}/addGadget
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/10100/addGadget
Request format - JSON
Response format - JSON
Example request:
"gadgetUrl": "rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:filter-results-gadget/gadgets/filter-results-gadget.xml",
"column": 0,
"row": 7,
"filterId": "10000",
"isConfigured": "true",
"isPopup": "false",
"columnNames": "issuetype|issuekey|summary",
"refresh": "15",
"num": "20"
"completeModuleKey": {
"pluginKey": "com.atlassian.jira.gadgets",
"moduleKey": "introduction-dashboard-item"
"color": "color1",
"userPreferences": {},
"column": 0,
"id": 10000,
"row": 0
gadgetUrl or completeModuleKey (with 'pluginKey' and 'completeModuleKey') - required - gadget URL or plugin/module key
column - required - column number (starting from 0, 0 = first column, 1 = second column etc. )
row - required - row number
color - required - gadget color - available option: colorX (where X is number form 1 to 8)
userPreferences - gadget configurations
Before you create new gadget, please configure one and check its configuration using Get dashboard gadgets
Edit gadget
Method type - POST
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/editGadget/{GADGET_ID}
where {GADGET_ID} is gadget id, like 10101
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/editGadget/10101
Request format - JSON
Response format - JSON
Example request:
"column": 0,
"row": 7,
"filterId": "10000",
"isConfigured": "true",
"isPopup": "false",
"columnNames": "issuetype|issuekey|summary",
"refresh": "15",
"num": "20"
column - optional - column number (starting from 0, 0 = first column, 1 = second column etc. )
row - optional - row number (starting from 0, 0 = first row, 1 = second row etc. )
color - optional - gadget color - available option: colorX (where X is number form 1 to 8)
userPreferences - gadget configurations
Before you edit gadget, please configure one and check its configuration using Get dashboard gadgets
Changing the owner of dashboards
Method type - POST
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/ownership/change
Request format - JSON
Example request
"dashboards": [
10001, 10000, 10003, 10005
"dashboards": [
Response format - JSON
Example response
"message": "We've changed the ownership of items - 1 dashboard",
"status": "done"
You can change the owner of dashboards and JQL filters in one request
Clear dashboard permissions
Resets dashboard permissions to default settings, removes granted edit/view permissions and leaves them solely with the owner.
Method type - POST
URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/{DASHBOARD_ID}/clearPermissions
where {DASHBOARD_ID} is dashboard id, like 10100
Example URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/dashboard/10100/clearPermissions
Response format - JSON
Example response
"dashboardId": 10100,
"message": "permissions for the dashboard have been cleared",
"dashboardName": "Example Dashboard",
"status": "done"
This REST API uses pagination to improve performance for all users. Pagination is enforced for methods that could return a large collection of items. When you make a request to a paged API, the response will wrap the returned array of values in a JSON object with paging metadata, for example:
"startAt" : 0,
"maxResults" : 10,
"total": 200,
"objects": [
{ /* result 0 */ },
{ /* result 1 */ },
{ /* result 2 */ }
is the index of the first item returned in the page of results.maxResults
is the maximum number of items that can be returned per page. Each API endpoint may have a different limit for the number of items returned, and these limits may change without notice. (default value - 100)total
is the total number of items contained in all pages. This number may change as the client requests the subsequent pages, therefore the client should always assume that the requested page can be empty.