Holidays (SLA Calendars)

General information

Available since v. 5.12.*

Available ONLY for Jira Administrators

Bulk add holidays

Add holidays to your calendars in selected service management projects, customer portals or individual calendars so non-working days don't count towards your SLAs.


Method type - POST

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/serviceManagement/holiday

Request format - JSON

Example request:

{ "holidayName": "Holiday A", "dateString": "2024-09-12", "repeatYearly": true, "projects": [10100, 10000], "customerPortals": [1, 2, 3], "calendars": [4, 6, 1] } 
{ "holidayName": "Holiday B", "dateString": "2024-09-12", "projects": [10100] }
{ "holidayName": "Holiday A", "dateString": "2024-09-12", "calendars": [4, 6, 1] }
  • holidayName - required parameter

  • dateString - required parameter - string with date format YYYY-MM-DD where

    • YYYY - year,

    • MM - month with 0 at the beginning if less than 10,

    • DD - day with 0 at the beginning if less than 10

  • repeatYearly - optional - default = false

  • projects,customerPortals,calendars - array of identifiers which calendars should be changed - one of these parameters is required

if you enter IDs into the arrays in the projects and/or customerPortals parameters, all calendars belonging to these projects/customer portals will be automatically changed.

Response format - JSON

Example response: