XML Backup/Restore

Available since v. 1.22.*

Available since v. 1.32.*

  • added Check Import/Export directory 

General information

Available ONLY for JIRA System administrators

Create backup

Method type - POST

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/backup

Request format - JSON

Example request

{ "fileName": "BACKUP_02.03.2019.zip" }
  • fileName - required - backup file name

Respons format - JSON (Response is send when backup was created)

Example response

{ "filePath": "/localhost/atlassian/jira/home/export/BACKUP_02.03.2019.zip", "message": "Backup created", "status": "done" }

Restore backup

Method type - POST

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/restore

Request format - JSON

Example request

{ "fileName": "BACKUP_02.03.2019.zip", "license": "LICENSE FOR JIRA" }
  • fileName - required - backup file name

  • license - optional

Respons format - JSON (Response is send when restore is accepted and run in background)

Example response

Check restore status

Method type - GET

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/restore/status

Respons format - JSON 

Example response

How to read answers (any version of JIRA can response a little differently)

  • Response code 200 and JSON

Restore is not active or restore completed

Restore in progress

  • Response code 503

This means that JIRA restores itself from the backup, check status the restore later

Check Import/Export directory

Method type - GET


  • {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/checkDirectory/export

  • {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/checkDirectory/import

  • {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/checkDirectory/export?formatDate=true

  • {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/xmlbackup/checkDirectory/import?formatDate=true

Example response


  • formatDate - optional - available value (true or empty) - if you set this parameter to true, all dates format change into string yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSÂ