REST API - Space

Available since v. 2.3.0


  • Get space

  • Get all spaces

Available since v. 2.11.0


  • Change space key

Available since v. 2.39.0

  • New REST API:

    • Change space status

  • Added space ‘status’ to Get space and Get all spaces

Available since v. 3.12.*


Available since v. 3.16.*

Below REST APIs are now available to space administrators:

Available since v. 4.9.*

  • Added last content modification date in space (lastContentModificationDate and lastContentModificationDateString) to Get space and Get all spaces

Available since v. 4.16.*

  • Added date of last modification of permissions in space (lastPermissionModificationDate and lastPermissionModificationDateString) to Get space and Get all spaces

Available since v. 4.21.*

  • Added new parameters (lastPermissionModificationDateFrom and lastPermissionModificationDateTo) to Get all spaces

Get space

Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator

This API supports optional parameters

Method type: GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getSpace/{SPACE_KEY}


  • dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output fields creationDateString, lastModificationDateString, lastPermissionModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'

Example URL:

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getSpace/MYSPACE?dateFormat=MM/dd/yyyy

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getSpace/DEMO?dateFormat=MM.dd.yyyy

Response format: JSON

Example response:

{ "creationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:21", "lastModificationDate": 1589460802858, "lastModificationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:22", "lastContentModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastContentModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "creatorName": "admin", "name": "Space A", "creationDate": 1589460801648, "key": "SPACEA", "status": "current" }


Get all spaces

Available only for Confluence Administrators

This API supports Pagination

This API supports optional parameters

Method type: GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces


  • creationDateFrom - filter spaces by created date (creation date >= this date)

  • creationDateTo - filter spaces by created date (creation date <= this date)

  • lastPermissionModificationDateFrom - filter spaces by last permission modification date (last permission modification date >= this date)

  • lastPermissionModificationDateTo - filter spaces by last permission modification date (last permission modification date <= this date)

  • dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output fields creationDateString, lastModificationDateString, lastPermissionModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'

  • spacesAsArray - change ‘spaces’ parameter in response from HashMap to Array (Available since v. 4.8.0)

Example URL:

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?spacesAsArray=true

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?creationDateTo=2020-05-14

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?lastPermissionModificationDateTo=2020-05-14

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?creationDateFrom=12/01/2019&dateFormat=MM/dd/yyyy

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?creationDateTo=03.01.2020&creationDateFrom=01.01.2020&dateFormat=MM.dd.yyyy

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/getAllSpaces?lastPermissionModificationDateTo=03.01.2020&creationDateFrom=01.01.2020&dateFormat=MM.dd.yyyy

Response format: JSON

Example response:

Without spacesAsArray

{ "total": 2, "maxResults": 100, "spaces": { "SPACEA": { "creationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:21", "lastModificationDate": 1589460802858, "lastModificationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:22", "lastContentModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastContentModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "creatorName": "admin", "name": "Space A", "creationDate": 1589460801648, "key": "SPACEA", "status": "current" }, "ds": { "creationDateString": "09-25-2018 11:05:32", "lastModificationDate": 1573637171250, "lastModificationDateString": "11-13-2019 10:26:11", "lastContentModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastContentModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "creatorName": "not exist", "name": "Demonstration Space", "creationDate": 1537866332331, "key": "ds", "status": "archived" } }, "startAt": 0 }

With spacesAsArray = true

{ "total": 2, "maxResults": 100, "spaces": [ { "creationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:21", "lastModificationDate": 1589460802858, "lastModificationDateString": "05-14-2020 14:53:22", "lastContentModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastContentModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "creatorName": "admin", "name": "Space A", "creationDate": 1589460801648, "key": "SPACEA", "status": "current" }, { "creationDateString": "09-25-2018 11:05:32", "lastModificationDate": 1573637171250, "lastModificationDateString": "11-13-2019 10:26:11", "lastContentModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastContentModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1631157477946, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2021-09-09 05:17:57", "creatorName": "not exist", "name": "Demonstration Space", "creationDate": 1537866332331, "key": "ds", "status": "archived" } ], "startAt": 0 }

Change space status

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/changeSpaceStatus

Request format: JSON

Example request:

spaceKey - required - new key for modified space

status - required - (archived or current) - space status


Change space key

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/changeSpaceKey

Request format: JSON

Example request:

currentSpaceKey - required - key of the space you want to modify

newSpaceKey - required - new key for modified space

reindexSpace - optional - (true or false - default value: false) - reindex flag


Response format: JSON



This REST API uses pagination to improve performance for all users. Pagination is enforced for methods that could return a large collection of items. When you make a request to a paged API, the response will wrap the returned array of values in a JSON object with paging metadata, for example:


  • startAt is the index of the first item returned in the page of results.

  • maxResults is the maximum number of items that can be returned per page. Each API endpoint may have a different limit for the number of items returned, and these limits may change without notice. (default value - 100)

  • total is the total number of items contained in all pages. This number may change as the client requests the subsequent pages, therefore the client should always assume that the requested page can be empty.