REST API - Templates

REST API - Templates

General informations

Get all global templates

Available for all Confluence Users

Method type - GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/global

Response format: JSON

{ "templates": [ { "name": "test global templates", "description": null, "title": "test global templates", "content": "<at:declarations /><ac:layout><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"single\"><ac:layout-cell><p>global templates body</p></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"single\"><ac:layout-cell><table><tbody><tr><th>Row 1</th><th>Row 2</th><th>Row 3</th></tr><tr><td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td></tr><tr><td>Q</td><td>W</td><td>E</td></tr></tbody></table></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section></ac:layout>" } ] }


Get global template by name

Available for all Confluence Users

Method type - GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/global/{TEMPLATE_NAME}

Response format: JSON

{ "template": { "name": "test global templates", "description": null, "title": "test global templates", "content": "<at:declarations /><ac:layout><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"single\"><ac:layout-cell><p>global templates body</p></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"single\"><ac:layout-cell><table><tbody><tr><th>Row 1</th><th>Row 2</th><th>Row 3</th></tr><tr><td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td></tr><tr><td>Q</td><td>W</td><td>E</td></tr></tbody></table></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section></ac:layout>" } }


Create global template

Available for Confluence Administrators

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/global/create

Request format: JSON

{ "title": "Template title", "description": "Template description", "content": "<p>Template content</p>" }
  • title - required - template title

  • description - optional - template description

  • content - optional - template content in Confluence Storage Format

Edit global template

Available for Confluence Administrators

Method type - PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/global/edit/{TEMPLATE_ID}

Request format: JSON

{ "title": "Template title", "description": "Template description", "content": "<p>Template content</p>" }
  • title - optional - template title

  • description - optional - template description

  • content - optional - template content in Confluence Storage Format


Get space templates

Available for Confluence Administrators, space Administrators and all users with VIEW and CREATE PAGE permission in this specific space

Method type - GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/space/{SPACE_ID_OR_KEY}

Response format: JSON

{ "templates": [ { "name": "Space template title", "description": null, "title": "Space template title", "content": "<at:declarations /><p>Space template body</p>" } ] }


Create space template

Available for Confluence Administrators and space Administrators

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/space/{SPACE_ID_OR_KEY}/create

Request format: JSON

{ "title": "Template title", "description": "Template description", "content": "<p>Template content</p>" }
  • title - required - template title

  • description - optional - template description

  • content - optional - template content in Confluence Storage Format

Edit space template

Available for Confluence Administrators and space Administrators

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/space/{SPACE_ID_OR_KEY}/edit/{TEMPLATE_ID}

Request format: JSON

{ "title": "Template title", "description": "Template description", "content": "<p>Template content</p>" }
  • title - optional - template title

  • description - optional - template description

  • content - optional - template content in Confluence Storage Format

Get template by ID

Available for Confluence Administrators, space Administrators and all users with VIEW and CREATE PAGE permission in space of this template

Method type - GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/page/{TEMPLATE_ID}

Response format: JSON

{ "template": { "name": "Space template title", "description": null, "title": "Space template title", "content": "<at:declarations /><p>Space template body</p>" } }


Delete template by ID

Global template - available for Confluence Administrators

Page template - available for space Administrators

Method type - DELETE

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/template/page/{TEMPLATE_ID}

Response format: JSON

{ "message": "Template with id '123411' has been deleted", "status": "success" }

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