REST API - Content (Pages and Blog Posts)

REST API - Content (Pages and Blog Posts)

Get content/post information

Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator

This API supports Pagination

This API supports optional parameters

Method type: GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/{CONTENT_ID}

  • where {CONTENT_ID} is the page or the blog post

Example URL:

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/163841

Response format: JSON

Example response:

{ "hasComments": false, "hasChildren": true, "lastModificationDateString": "2020-10-26 15:44:29", "lastPermissionModificationDate": 1727280841377, "lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-09-25 18:14:01", "creatorName": "not exist", "lastModifierName": "not exist", "type": "page", "creationDate": 1603723469341, "version": 1, "spaceKey": "ds", "spaceName": "Demonstration Space", "creationDateString": "2020-10-26 15:44:29", "lastModificationDate": 1603723469341, "name": "Welcome to Confluence", "hasLabels": false, "position": 8, "id": 163841, "hasParent": false, "status": "current" }


Replacing the text on the content (replace all)

Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator

Method type: POST

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/{CONTENT_ID}/replaceAll

  • where {CONTENT_ID} is the page

Request format: JSON

Example request:

{ "find": "Jira SD”, "replace": “Jira SM”, “ignoreCase”: true }
{ "find": "Jira SD”, "replace": “Jira SM” }
  • find - required - the text you want to replace

  • replace - required - the text you want to replace the search text with

  • ignoreCase - optional - whether the search text should be case-sensitive - true or false (default)

Response format: JSON

Example response:


Replacing the text on all contents in the space (replace all)

Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator

Method type: POST

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/{SPACE_KEY}/content/replaceAll

  • where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key

Request format: JSON

Example request:

  • find - required - the text you want to replace

  • replace - required - the text you want to replace the search text with

  • ignoreCase - optional - whether the search text should be case-sensitive - true or false (default)

Response format: JSON

Example response:

Check process status

Method type - GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/space/content/replaceAll/taskStatus

Example response:




Add text to the top of the content (prepend)

Method type: POST

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/{CONTENT_ID}/prepend

  • where {CONTENT_ID} is the page

Request format: JSON

Example request:

Response format: JSON

Example response:


Add text to the end of the content (append)

Method type: POST

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/{CONTENT_ID}/append

  • where {CONTENT_ID} is the page

Request format: JSON

Example request:

Response format: JSON

Example response:


Move/reorder page

Method type: POST


  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/movePage


  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/reorderPage

Request format: JSON

Example request:

Response format: JSON

Example response:


Change the creator of all contents in the space created by the user

When sometimes a user leaves your company, you can change the content (pages / blogs) he has created to another user instead of an "unknown user"

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/changeCreator/space/{SPACE_KEY}/user/{USER_NAME_OR_KEY}

  • where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key

  • where {USER_NAME_OR_KEY} is the user name or the user key

Request format: JSON

Example request:

Response format: JSON

Example response:



Change the creator of all content by id’s

When sometimes a user leaves your company, you can change the content (pages / blogs) he has created to another user instead of an "unknown user"

Method type: PUT

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/content/changeCreator/contentId

Request format: JSON

Example request:

Response format: JSON

Example response:


Get the contents of a space for which the permission modification date changed on a specific date

Method type: GET

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/space/{SPACE_KEY}/getContentWithPermissionModificationDate

  • where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key


  • lastPermissionModificationDateFrom - filter spaces by last permission modification date (last permission modification date >= this date; default value = 1900-01-01)

  • lastPermissionModificationDateTo - filter spaces by last permission modification date (last permission modification date <= this date; default value = current date)

  • dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output fields creationDateString, lastModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'

Example URL:

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/space/KB/getContentWithPermissionModificationDate?lastPermissionModificationDateTo=2024-09-22

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/space/KB/getContentWithPermissionModificationDate?lastPermissionModificationDateFrom=2022-09-22

  • {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/space/KB/getContentWithPermissionModificationDate?lastPermissionModificationDateFrom=01.01.2020&dateFormat=MM.dd.yyyy

Response format: JSON

Example response:

