REST API - Content Permissions (Pages and Blog Posts)
- 1 General
- 2 Users
- 2.1 Get inherited content permission by content id
- 2.2 Get inherited content permission by content name
- 2.3 Get content permission by content id
- 2.4 Get content permission by content name
- 2.5 Add content permission by content id
- 2.6 Add content permission by content name
- 2.7 Remove content permission by content id
- 2.8 Remove content permission by content name
- 2.9 Remove all content permission
- 3 Groups
- 3.1 Get inherited content permission by content id
- 3.2 Get inherited content permission by content name
- 3.3 Get content permission by content id
- 3.4 Get content permission by content name
- 3.5 Add content permission by content id
- 3.6 Add content permission by content name
- 3.7 Remove content permission by content id
- 3.8 Remove content permission by content name
- 3.9 Remove all content permission
Available since v. 2.14.0
Added content permission REST APIs
Available since v. 3.3.*
Get full information about who can view/edit specific content
Get full information about content restrictions (as tree from space to specific content)
Available since v. 3.4.*
Added new parameter showSpaceAdministrators to below REST APIs:
Users: Get inherited content permission by content id, Get inherited content permission by content name
Groups - Get inherited content permission by content id, Get inherited content permission by content name
Available since v. 3.13.*
Added a new param “peopleWhoCanView” to the following REST APIs that allows you to show permissions exactly like the built-in "People who can view" function
Get full information who can view/edit specific content (as tree from space to specific content)
Get full information about content restrictions (as tree from space to specific content)
Available since v. 3.16.*
Below REST APIs are now available to space administrators:
Users: Get inherited content permission by content id, Get inherited content permission by content name, Get content permission by content id, Get content permission by content name, Add content permission by content name, Remove content permission by content name
Groups: Get inherited content permission by content id, Get inherited content permission by content name, Get content permission by content id, Get content permission by content name, Add content permission by content name, Remove content permission by content name
Available since v. 4.19.*
Added a new param “dateFormat” and date of last modification of permissions in content to the following REST APIs
Get full information about who can view/edit specific content
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
This API supports Pagination
This API supports optional parameters
The API returns a list of users and groups that have permissions that respect the hierarchy of permissions in the space (return information only for specific content)
If you want the complete information on the entire space tree up to this level of content, check out Get full information who can view/edit specific content (as tree from space to content level)
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/getInheritedContentPermissions
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
permissionType - view, edit or empty - returns data only for a specific permission (leave empty for full information)
startAt & maxResults - by default, it shows the first 50 people/groups
peopleWhoCanView - show permissions exactly like the built-in "People who can view" function (the response will display all people with direct permissions and with permissions granted by groups; the groups themselves will not be included in the response)
dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output field lastPermissionModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"spaceKey": "ds",
"spaceName": "Demonstration Space",
"level": 6,
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10",
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65564,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)"
Get full information about who can view/edit specific content (as a tree from space to specific content)
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
This API supports Pagination
This API supports optional parameters
The API returns a list of users and groups that have permissions that respect the hierarchy of permissions in the space (from space to specific content)
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/getInheritedContentTreePermissions
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
permissionType - view, edit or empty - returns data only for a specific permission (leave empty for full information)
startAt & maxResults - by default, it shows the first 50 people/groups
peopleWhoCanView - show permissions exactly like the built-in "People who can view" function (the response will display all people with direct permissions and with permissions granted by groups; the groups themselves will not be included in the response)
dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output field lastPermissionModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"spaceKey": "ds",
"spaceName": "Demonstration Space",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10",
"contentId": 65564,
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65551,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Welcome to Confluence",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 2,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65552,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "What is Confluence? (step 1 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10"
"level": 3,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65554,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "A quick look at the editor (step 2 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10"
"level": 4,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65549,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Let's edit this page (step 3 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "",
"level": 5,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65550,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Prettify the page with an image (step 4 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10"
"level": 6,
"permissions": {
"view": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"editGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewGroupsTotal": 3,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentId": 65564,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10"
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)"
Get full information about content restrictions (as tree from space to specific content)
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
This API supports Pagination
This API supports optional parameters
The API returns a list of users and groups that have permissions that respect the hierarchy of permissions in the space (return information only for specific content)
If you want the complete information on the entire space tree up to this level of content, check out Get full information who can view/edit specific content (as tree from space to content level)
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/getContentTreeRestrictions
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
startAt & maxResults - by default, it shows the first 50 people/groups
peopleWhoCanView - show permissions exactly like the built-in "People who can view" function (the response will display all people with direct permissions and with permissions granted by groups; the groups themselves will not be included in the response)
dateFormat - define date format for parameters creationDateFrom, creationDateTo and for JSON output field lastPermissionModificationDateString - default format ‘yyyy-MM-dd'
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"spaceKey": "ds",
"spaceName": "Demonstration Space",
"contentId": 65564,
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10",
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"contentId": 65551,
"restrictions": {
"editGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 0,
"editUsersTotal": 0
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Welcome to Confluence",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 2,
"contentId": 65552,
"restrictions": {
"view": {
"edit": {
"groups": [
"users": [
"everyone": "can view",
"editGroupsTotal": 2,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 0,
"editUsersTotal": 1
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "What is Confluence? (step 1 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 3,
"contentId": 65554,
"restrictions": {
"editGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 0,
"editUsersTotal": 0
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "A quick look at the editor (step 2 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 4,
"contentId": 65549,
"restrictions": {
"view": {
"edit": {
"users": [
"everyone": "can view",
"editGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 0,
"editUsersTotal": 1
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Let's edit this page (step 3 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 5,
"contentId": 65550,
"restrictions": {
"editGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 0,
"editUsersTotal": 0
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Prettify the page with an image (step 4 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": "",
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": ""
"level": 6,
"contentId": 65564,
"restrictions": {
"view": {
"users": [
"edit": {
"users": [
"everyone": "has no access",
"editGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewGroupsTotal": 0,
"viewUsersTotal": 2,
"editUsersTotal": 2
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)",
"lastPermissionModificationDate": 1724425510813,
"lastPermissionModificationDateString": "2024-08-23 17:05:10"
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "not exist",
"contentName": "Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)"
Get inherited content permission by content id
Returns full inherited permissions to the level of a specific content (full tree with space permissions) - checks all user permissions, assigned personally and by user groups
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/user/{USER_NAME}/getInheritedContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
showSpaceAdministrators - adds additional information to the response (spaceAdministrators), containing all space admins who have been granted administrative privileges either directly or through a group
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"hasSpaceEditPermission": true,
"hasSpaceViewPermission": true,
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819204,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 2,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819206,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 3,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819208,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 4,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819210,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 5,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"spaceAdministrators": [
"contentId": 819212,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "Content name A",
"spaceKey": "SPACEA",
"spaceName": "TEST SPACE A",
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"hasSpaceEditPermission": true,
"hasSpaceViewPermission": true
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819204,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "CONTENT NAME AA"
"level": 2,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819206,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "CONTENT NAME BB"
"level": 3,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819208,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "CONTENT NAME CC"
"level": 4,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819210,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "CONTENT NAME DD"
"level": 5,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": true,
"contentType": "page",
"contentCreatorName": "admin",
"contentName": "CONTENT NAME EE"
"spaceAdministrators": [
Get inherited content permission by content name
Returns full inherited permissions to the level of a specific content (full tree with space permissions) - checks all user permissions, assigned personally and by user groups
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_NAME}/user/{USER_NAME}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/getInheritedContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
where {CONTENT_NAME} is the content name
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
showSpaceAdministrators - adds additional information to the response (spaceAdministrators), containing all space admins who have been granted administrative privileges either directly or through a group
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"hasSpaceEditPermission": true,
"hasSpaceViewPermission": true,
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819204,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 2,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819206,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 3,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819208,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 4,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819210,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 5,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"spaceAdministrators": [
Get content permission by content id
Returns information whether the content contains a personal permissions without taking inheritance and space permissions
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/user/{USER_NAME}/getContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false
Get content permission by content name
Returns information whether the content contains a personal permissions without taking inheritance and space permissions
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_NAME}/user/{USER_NAME}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/getContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
where {CONTENT_NAME} is the content name
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false
Add content permission by content id
Available only for Confluence Administrator
Method type: PUT
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/user/{USER_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/addContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content id as an array
1111111, 2222222, 1234567
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 1,
"added": [
"skipped": [],
"status": "done"
Add content permission by content name
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: PUT
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/user/{USER_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/addContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content name as an array
"Page one", "Page two"
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 0,
"added": [],
"skipped": [
"Page two"
"status": "done"
Remove content permission by content id
Available only for Confluence Administrator
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/user/{USER_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/removeContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content id as an array
1111111, 2222222, 3333333
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 2,
"removed": [
2222222, 3333333
"skipped": [
"status": "done"
Remove content permission by content name
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/user/{USER_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/removeContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content name as an array
"Page one", "Page two"
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 0,
"removed": [],
"skipped": [
"Page one"
"status": "done"
Remove all content permission
Remove all content permission associated with a given user.
Available only for Confluence Administrator
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/user/{USER_NAME}/removeAllContentPermission
where {USER_NAME} is the user name
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"status": "done"
Get inherited content permission by content id
Returns full inherited permissions to the level of a specific content (full tree with space permissions)
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/group/{GROUP_NAME}/getInheritedContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
showSpaceAdministrators - adds additional information to the response (spaceAdministrators), containing all space admins who have been granted administrative privileges either directly or through a group
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"hasSpaceEditPermission": true,
"hasSpaceViewPermission": true,
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819204,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 2,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819206,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 3,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819208,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"level": 4,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819210,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"level": 5,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"spaceAdministrators": [
Get inherited content permission by content name
Returns full inherited permissions to the level of a specific content (full tree with space permissions)
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_NAME}/group/{GROUP_NAME}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/getInheritedContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
where {CONTENT_NAME} is the content name
Example URL:
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
showSpaceAdministrators - adds additional information to the response (spaceAdministrators), containing all space admins who have been granted administrative privileges either directly or through a group
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"hasSpaceEditPermission": true,
"hasSpaceViewPermission": true,
"contentTree": [
"level": 1,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819204,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 2,
"hasContentEditPermission": true,
"contentId": 819206,
"hasContentViewPermission": true
"level": 3,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819208,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"level": 4,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819210,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"level": 5,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false
"spaceAdministrators": [
Get content permission by content id
Returns information whether the content contains group permissions without taking inheritance and space permissions
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_ID}/group/{GROUP_NAME}/getContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {CONTENT_ID} is the content id
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": false,
Get content permission by content name
Returns information whether the content contains group permissions without taking inheritance and space permissions
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: GET
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/{CONTENT_NAME}/group/{GROUP_NAME}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/getContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
where {CONTENT_NAME} is the content name
showContentDetails - adds extra space and content information such as key, name, etc.
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"contentId": 819212,
"hasContentViewPermission": false,
"hasContentEditPermission": true
Add content permission by content id
Available only for Confluence Administrator
Method type: PUT
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/group/{GROUP_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/addContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content id as an array
1111111, 2222222, 1234567
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 1,
"added": [
"skipped": [],
"status": "done"
Add content permission by content name
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: PUT
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/group/{GROUP_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/addContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content name as an array
"Page one", "Page two"
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 0,
"added": [],
"skipped": [
"Page two"
"status": "done"
Remove content permission by content id
Available only for Confluence Administrators
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/group/{GROUP_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/removeContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content id as an array
1111111, 2222222, 3333333
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 2,
"removed": [
2222222, 3333333
"skipped": [
"status": "done"
Remove content permission by content name
Available only for Confluence Administrators or Space Administrator
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/group/{GROUP_NAME}/permission/{PERMISSION_TYPE}/space/{SPACE_KEY}/removeContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
where {PERMISSION_TYPE} is the permission type (view or edit)
where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key
Request format: JSON
Example request: Content name as an array
"Page one", "Page two"
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"total": 0,
"removed": [],
"skipped": [
"Page one"
"status": "done"
Remove all content permission
Remove all content permission associated with a given group.
Available only for Confluence Administrator
Method type: DELETE
URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/permission/content/group/{GROUP_NAME}/removeAllContentPermission
where {GROUP_NAME} is the group name
Response format: JSON
Example response:
"status": "done"