Early Access Program Downloads

Early Access Program Downloads

Thank you for your interest in our EAP program! We greatly appreciate you joining our efforts to improve our product. As one of our EAP testers, you will see new products, features, and bug fixes before they become public! Please keep in mind that your experience will be different from that of the final and public versions of the product. We try to get all the bugs out of our updates before we roll out a eap version, but we’re not perfect. That’s where you come in! The information that comes from our eap testers is integral to our product development process.

You can report any opinions, bugs or improvements here → Extender for Confluence - EAP Version Feedback

EAP releases should not be used in production environments as they are not officially supported.

Actual version

There’s nothing here!



Old versions

Version 4.2.1 EAP - Confluence >= 8

2024-04-02 | Extender for Confluence 4.2.* Release

  File Modified

Java Archive extender-4.2.1-m0008.jar

Apr 01, 2024 by Adam Labus