Copy & Paste Transitions - Clipboard

You can copy Transitions to the clipboard and paste them into any workflow to any place (from any status to another status or create loop)

A few extra informations:

  • each administrator has his own clipboard

  • you can always see what you have in the clipboard by clicking

  • copied transition will still be in the clipboard even after restarting the application



Pasting between different environments / instances


  • installed plugin ‘Workflow Booster for Jira’

  • application served over secured domains (https) or localhost

  • supported browsers: Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera

  • require explicit user permission for pasting operation in the browser for each Jira


How it’s works:

With each copy, the plugin saves functions and transitions to the system clipboard and application clipboard. Every time when you try paste functions, the plugin first checks the system clipboard, if it does not find the correct string it checks the application clipboard. The same behavior regarding checking the clipboards also applies to the clipboard preview.