General information


Available ONLY for JIRA administrators

Available ONLY for JIRA administrators

You can read more about Tokens here REST API Tokens

Get all Tokens

Method type: 

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/tokenTools/get

Respons format: JSON

Example response:

  "tokens": [
      "label": "Token name",
      "user": "admin",
      "token": "ip9ul19f8jenb92tji8lo34qt7tb1meo",
      "limitTo": "[post].*/rest/api/2/issue/KANBAN-100/comment.*<br>.*/rest/api/2/issue/SCRUM-[1-2]{1}/comment.*",
      "ip": "",
      "validUntil": 1630476718964,
      "dateCreated": 1622700718964,
      "counter": 100
      "label": "Token name two",
      "user": "jankowalski",
      "token": "okf8a73basc74nasc9n32",
      "limitTo": "",
      "ip": "",
      "validUntil": 1630476718964,
      "dateCreated": 1622700718964,
      "counter": 123456
  "status": "ok"

Create Token

Method type: 

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/tokenTools/set

Request format: JSON

Example request:

  "label": "Token name",
  "daysUntilExpiry": 90
  "userName": "admin",
  "limitTo": "[post].*/rest/api/2/issue/KANBAN-100/comment.*\n.*/rest/api/2/issue/SCRUM-[1-2]{1}/comment.*"
  "token": "ip9ul19f8jenb92tji8lo34qt7tb1meo"
  "label": "Token name",
  "daysUntilExpiry": 0
  "token": "ip9ul19f8jenb92tji8lo34qt7tb1meo"
  "label": "Token name",
  "userName": "admin"

label - required - token name

daysUntilExpiry - optional - for security reasons, you can set this token to automatically expire. You can't change the expiry date once the token is created.

userName - optional - a user who will be able to use token, leave this field empty so that anyone can use the token.

limitTo - optional - you can limit the token to specific urls and methods, you can add new line sign using \n, \\n or <br>

token - optional - token, leave this field empty and the system will generate a random string

Delete Token

Method type: 

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/tokenTools/delete

Request format: JSON

Example request:

  "token": "ip9ul19f8jenb92tji8lo34qt7tb1meo"

Disable/Enable "Usage Details" data collection

Method type: 

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/tokenTools/set

Request format: JSON

Example request:

    "collectUsageDetails": false
    "collectUsageDetails": true

Disable/Enable adding token calls to the audit log

Method type: 

URL: {JIRA_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/tokenTools/set

Request format: JSON

Example request:

    "addAuditRecord": false
    "addAuditRecord": true


Since v. 1.70.*

Since v. 2.19.*